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Financial Regulatory Advisory and Business Solutions

The tsunami of financial markets regulation in the process of being introduced - BIS III, Solvency II, EMIR, MIFID, etc. - creates a need for identifying, quantifying and mitigating the effects of some of these changes.

Risk Repair handles and provides advice on all aspects of this process but our focus is on providing our clients with business solutions to the issues.

Our clients comprise Financial Institutions, SSA's, Insurance companies, Asset Managers and Corporates.

The four regulatory areas we're focusing on providing business relevant solutions for, are the following:

CCP - advice to Financial Institutions on what they need and how to set up their future CCP

CSA - advice to FIs, SSAs and Corporates on how to design their CSAs

CVA - identifying, quantifying and possible solutions to reduce/minimize the Credit Value Adjustment charges. This is particularly relevant for FIs and Corporates

General product development in the wake of the new regulatory regime

We would welcome the opportunity to have an initial meeting with your organization on these critical issues.


